Welcome to CREATIVE EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD ( A Unit of MKTSS), AN ISO 9001 :2015 Certified Organization ** It has been registred under societies Act.- XXVI of 1961 * Established under MCA, MSME, CVC, NHRC Govt of India
  • Email infocreativeinstitution@gmail.com
  • Contact+91 8918181624 / +91 9641988234

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Branch Code Branch Name Course Name Address District State Enquire
CEDB-PUR-1 Creative Educational Institution ALL TYPE OF COMPUTER COURSE,TAILORING COURSE,All type of Beautician Course,SPOKEN ENGLISH, Bhadsa Puruliya WEST BENGAL
CEDB-PUR-12 Tantubai Computer Training Center ALL TYPE OF COMPUTER COURSE, Baliguma Puruliya WEST BENGAL