Welcome to CREATIVE EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD ( A Unit of MKTSS), AN ISO 9001 :2015 Certified Organization ** It has been registred under societies Act.- XXVI of 1961 * Established under MCA, MSME, CVC, NHRC Govt of India
  • Email infocreativeinstitution@gmail.com
  • Contact+91 8918181624 / +91 9641988234

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Secretary's Message

Computer science degrees are some of the most popoler study programs world wide. If one is passionate about computer hardware and software, one must know that this computer courses lead to rewarding and lucrative careers. As we live in a digital age, most industries rely on data and software program. Computer Science and IT impact on everything from scientific research to health development, business, transport, banking communication etc. Technology has made the world better, faster and more connected. But this did not happen by magic. We arrived here- thanks to the brilliants minds of IT graduate who took their passion for technology and used it to create several computer programs which help us in every single day.